Author: Henry Lai

ALS Ice bucket challenge

What is ALS?

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Motor neurons reach from the brain to the spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the muscles throughout the body. The progressive degeneration of the motor neurons in ALS eventually leads to their death. When the motor neurons die, the ability of the brain to initiate and control muscle movement is lost. With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, patients in the later stages of the disease may become totally paralyzed.

There are two views to the ice bucket challenge. Some say it is a waste of water and some say it is a cool way to spread message to others. Personally, I find it quite amazing that the challenge was able to bring across the awareness of ALS and in no doubt huge sum of donations were received while doing the challenge. Celebrities and Public figures also accepted the challenge. Their act influence many to do the challenge to.


National Day Rally 2014

Video: at the 10mins mark.

Providing Singaporeans more assurance in retirement.

One hot topic was the CPF and during the rally this year Mr Lee said that CPF works from all aspect: You, Employer and Government. Under the government section, the government will contribute to the CPF in terms of Housing grants when one buys a HDB flat, Medisave top-ups when one gets GST vouchers and Workfare for low income worker where a big contribution automatically goes into the CPF every month to help those to save for their retirement. This three will together will serve a common purpose to set up a Nest Egg for ones’ Retirement and the Nest Egg allows for a steady stream withdrawal of income in old age and to provide old age security.

Moving on, Mr Lee talked about some HDB thing regarding 4 room flat with lease buyback and he make a general conclusion that the CPF will work hand in hand with your house to provide for your retirement. He also said that if one had a house (HDB), there are many options like rent out, right size or lease buyback and which ever way one goes, one would probably get a lump sum or an income. Mr Lee also assured that the CPF scheme will continue to improve to meet more needs of the people especially the lower income.

Ebola Virus Disease


Ebola virus disease (EVD) or Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) is a disease of humans and other primates caused by an ebolavirus. Symptoms start two days to three weeks after contracting the virus, with a fever, sore throat, muscle pain, and headaches. Typically nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea follow, along with decreased functioning of the liver and kidneys. Around this time, affected people may begin to bleed both within the body and externally.

Relevant Article:

There were two American missionaries who returned home earlier with Ebola. They’re being treated right now in Atlanta. And as part of their treatment they had been given an experimental serum, which raises questions about who gets experimental drugs in a crisis like this. The World Health Organization is holding a meeting of medical ethicists today and they’ll be discussing questions just like this. Personally I find this issue a very complicated one as the intentions of the various people involved are different and I believe they too want the best for everyone. However the issue that concerns me is the fact that why did America had to wait for its own people who got the disease before they announce that they had been experimenting on drugs against ebola. What ever the reason is, I see it as a selfish act.

Does modern technology always improve the quality of peoples’ lives?

Modern technology did improve the quality of peoples’ lives. Different people have different needs that requires different technology to improve their lives. Improvement can be measured by the level of wealth, comfort, material goods and necessities available or it can also be seen by the level of access to quality healthcare, quality and availability of education, life expectancy, incidence of disease.

Modern technology improved the quality of people’s lives through the invention and update of certain medical technologies as well as technology aimed at improving the lives of the poorer side of the world. For example, modern technologies in terms of medical equipment allow doctors to carry out more advanced surgery and lowering the risks. In the less developed countries, the use of these medical equipment help save lives and prevent the spread of diseases. This enable the people to have a higher life expectancy and thus improving lives.


The media is able to shape individal and societial identities. Do you agree?

Intro: Media plays a very important role and has changed us in almost every way. It is considered as the best way to know what’s happening in our world today. Newspaper, magazine, radio, television and internet are the different types of media. It greatly affects our lives because media has the power to change our thoughts and even our action.

SV1: Media can make people do things very violent because of what they see on T.V or the games they play.

SV2: Media has changed the way that we interact is that we have lost a lot of our social skills.

SV3: Media influence us to follow the norm.

SV4: Media influence us to go after beauty.

OV1: Media is used as a tool to keep us updated.

OV2: Media allows us to express our thoughts more freely.


Pros & Cons To Education Technology


The use of education technology is a somewhat problematic premise, because it has generated a heated debate on whether it helps or hinders learning. With recent dramatic increases in technology in our society, it have led to proliferation of technology in the learning institutions (from primary school to the University) at a rapid rate. Integration of technology in schools has changed today’s education and also the way teachers and students use their classrooms. These changes have both positive and negative impact on learning.


1. Technology as a Teaching Aid

2. Easier Accessibility of Information


1. Distraction to the Students

2. Cheating

So, does technology help or hinder the leaning process for us, students? The answer depends.  It depends on how we use it. Handled poorly, its impact to education can be disastrous. But if handled well, it can facilitate learning. Technology can be a powerful learning tool for learning the right or wrong things. It can gallantly open new doors and learning possibilities, while at the same time open some that are better off left closed, because some topics are not appropriate for some age groups. It can also be used to inform, but also to distort. If not utilized properly, the positive effects of technology become negative which continue to hinder students’ success.

Regulating Singapore’s internet – Two steps back


The Media Development Authority (MDA) approves publications; issues arts entertainment licenses and enforces the Free-to-air (FTA) TV Programme Code, Subscription TV Programme Code, TV Advertising Code, Radio Programme Code and Radio Advertising Code through financial penalties. The MDA’s decisions may be appealed to the Broadcast, Publications and Arts Appeal Committee (BPAA) and the Films Appeal Committee (FAC).

The Censorship Review Committee (CRC) meets every ten years to “review and update censorship objectives and principles to meet the long-term interests of our society“. The CRC was most recently reconvened in 2009 and made some 80 recommendations the following year, most of which were accepted.

The Government of Singapore argues that censorship of political, racial and religious issues to a certain extent is necessary to avoid upsetting the delicate balance of Singapore’s multi-racial society which I agree to it. Although Singapore is said to be a democratic country where there is freedom of speech and no censorship to its media, there is still a need of government control over what is posted or circulated online. This to prevent any untrue, sensitive materials to be spread to the masses and causing unnecessary public disorder. Thus I believe there is a need for a little control by the government regarding our media.


Singapore to Increase Penalties for Animal Abuse


“Singapore will impose stiffer penalties for animal abuse, Law Minister K Shanmugam said Tuesday, 14 January 2014, following a recent spate of high-profile cases including the poisoning of stray dogs and attacks on cats.

People convicted of cruelty to animals are currently subject to a fine of up to S$10,000, a jail term of up to a year, or both

a bill will be introduced in parliament this year to increase the maximum fine to Sg$50,000 for repeat offenders.

In January 2014, the AVA began implementing new pet-shop licensing conditions to tackle impulse buying. There will be no sale of pets to individuals under 16 year old.”

On the subject of animal welfare, the minister said he welcomes the recommendations made by interest groups to set up tougher laws and more regulation for the pet industry.

He said: “I think we need to strengthen legislation – it’s my personal view that we need to strengthen the legislation and deal more effectively with animal abuse and put in place norms, frameworks for better, more responsible ownership of pets and the pet industry.”

The number of reports of animal cruelty rose by a fifth last year, new figures reveal, and cases are continuing to rise. As an animal lover, I do feel frustrated and sad not being able to do anything to help. When the news reported there is an increase in penalties for animal abuse, I was glad to hear that. With a tougher law passed to protect animals, it is hoped to deter any further cruelty cases and reducing the cases to the minimal.

I agree that children under age of 16 would need to be accompanied by their parent/s when getting a pet. At a younger age, they would most likely not be able to take the responsibility of taking care of a pet. They might want a pet for various reasons but would they be able to commit themselves fully and take care of the pet they wanted dearly or will they just get tired of taking care of it?

I am also for the new bill that will be passed to charge a higher fine on repeated offenders. The actions committed by them shall not be tolerated and I believe they should also receive a harsher punishment and account for their act.

Lets together be a kind hearted people and not do harm to any animals. 😉dog-and-cat

Cute right?? 😀


Family in France

Family remains a strong influence in France society. Family is the backbone of French identity and community life, although these days couples marry later and wait longer to have children. This is somewhat a similar problem Singapore is facing, low birth rate.

Usually, the more industrialized the country, the lower the birthrate. There are many reasons for this. It’s a given, that in industrialized countries, such as France, better health care and education are available. This is also comparative in Singapore where people delay starting families until they complete their education and start a career.

As there are more opportunities for women in the workplace, they  would tend to have fewer children so as to concentrate on their careers more. Furthermore, a reduction in the need for workers, especially in labour intensive fields, like construction and farming also indirectly meant that there is no need to have more children to help with the labour intensive job.

Efforts have been made by the French government to help boost the birth rate.  Similarly, in Singapore, France are paying mothers to give birth to more babies to reach the replacement level. Mothers may get €1,000 a month to have third child and this is hope that the mothers will be attracted by this incentive and give birth to more babies as a result.



Parents should stop spoiling their kids


Basically this article is regarding Honk Kong, that more and more kids are being spoiled by their parents. Is it only happening in Hong Kong? I believe most of the younger generation of children in Singapore are also being spoiled by their parents starting at a very young age.

Parents must know where to draw the line between giving what the child needs and not what the child wants. Parents should also be clear in giving their  care, love and concern to their child, not giving in to all the demand. Yes, being more affluent means buying better toys for the child but is that necessary? Will the child be playing that forever.

The most precious gift parents can give their child is the correct values to guide them to be an upright person when they grow up. In Singapore, due to the high costs of living, for most Singaporeans to have a child means both parents would have to go out and work in order to support the family and the responsibility of taking care of the child lies in the hands of the domestic helper. That also implies that the time spent with the child is very limited, and so to make up for that, parents buy branded items, good food and  anything their child wants to “appease” them.

This would then lead to the child having the wrong mind-set that they can get whatever they want which is not true in society and by then they would suffer because not all things will go in the way as they wanted and not always people would give in to their demand. Therefore I personally think and fully agree that parents should stop spoiling their kids.

Similarly when you become a parent don’t spoil your kid/s 😉