National Day Rally 2014

Video: at the 10mins mark.

Providing Singaporeans more assurance in retirement.

One hot topic was the CPF and during the rally this year Mr Lee said that CPF works from all aspect: You, Employer and Government. Under the government section, the government will contribute to the CPF in terms of Housing grants when one buys a HDB flat, Medisave top-ups when one gets GST vouchers and Workfare for low income worker where a big contribution automatically goes into the CPF every month to help those to save for their retirement. This three will together will serve a common purpose to set up a Nest Egg for ones’ Retirement and the Nest Egg allows for a steady stream withdrawal of income in old age and to provide old age security.

Moving on, Mr Lee talked about some HDB thing regarding 4 room flat with lease buyback and he make a general conclusion that the CPF will work hand in hand with your house to provide for your retirement. He also said that if one had a house (HDB), there are many options like rent out, right size or lease buyback and which ever way one goes, one would probably get a lump sum or an income. Mr Lee also assured that the CPF scheme will continue to improve to meet more needs of the people especially the lower income.

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